Archive | July 2012

Syrian Update

Since March 2011, an uprising against the government of Assad, has thrown the country into armed conflict. Apparently up to 11,000 people have been killed since the up rising began. Including up to 500 children.

These were taken recently around the Aleppo region.

Jared Houston

I can’t believe I went to school with this oke. He is just on a whole other level. Super inspiring. Flying the flag for SA bodyboarding world wide.

Hollywood And Back

In the wake of what just happened in Colorado this is not insensitive at all Madonna. At least she’s not flashing a boob again right?

Kaitlyn Leeb has 3 boobs. Not really, but I actually fell for it.

Christian Bale visited the make shift memorial for the Colorado theater shooting victims and visited some of the injured at the hospital. What a man.

First of all Helena Bonham Carter, easy on the butter. Second of all, BRUSH YOUR GOD DAMN HAIR WOMAN!

Kristen Stewart likes to play golf, as well as cheat on her boyfriend R. Patz (Robert Pattison).

Paris Hilton will have to do.

Gwen Stefani is a Leopard.







This Looks Awesome

Hip-Hop inspired architecture in Melbourne, Australia.